Amiga Format CD 42
Amiga Format AFCD42 (Issue 126, Aug 1999).iso
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Text File
108 lines
% This file may be viewed on-line by SLRN by linking the environment variable
% SLRNHELP to it. It is particlularly useful when you modify the default
% keybindings and you want the on-line help to reflect this fact.
% The format of the file is simple. Lines that start with `%' are comment
% lines and will be ignored. Also, any line that consists entirely of
% whitespace is also ignored. All other lines are meaningful.
% The file is divided into sections. A section is started by the presence of
% a line that contains a name enclosed in brackets. Currently, the only
% names formed in this manner are [Article] and [Group]. The text that
% follows one of these names will be displayed as the help screen for that
% particular mode.
/ Search forward in the article.
a Author search forward.
A Author search backward.
s Subject search forward.
S Subject search backward.
Commands that affect the article:
h Hide window (zoom header window)
SPACE Select article or scroll to next page
DEL, b Scroll article back one page
ESC-UP Scroll article up one line
ESC-DOWN Scroll article down one line
RIGHT Pan article to the right
LEFT Pan article to the left
t Toggle on/off the display of unimportant headers.
T Toggle on/off the display of quoted lines.
TAB Skip beyond quoted text.
ESC-r Toggle ROT 13 decryption on and off.
ESC-Ctrl-C Cancel article
Posting, Replying, Piping, and Saving:
P Post a new article (NOT followup)
f Followup to current article.
F Forward the article to someone
r Reply to the poster
o Append the article to a file.
| Pipe the article to and external command.
Commands that pertain to the header window:
d Mark article as read and move to next unread.
u Mark the article as unread
p Move to a previously unread article
n Move to the next unread article or next group if at end.
N Skip to next news group.
UP Move to the previous article
DOWN Move to the next article
; Set a mark at current position
, Return to the previous mark setting mark first
q Quit back to group mode
Ctrl-^ Decrease the size of the header window by one line
^ Increase the size of the header window by one line
ESC > Move to the end of the header list
ESC < Move to the beginning of the header list
Ctrl-U Perform Page-Up on the header window.
Ctrl-D Perform Page-Dn on the header window.
ESC-a Toggle header display format
ESC-S Toggle header threading on/off.
ESC-p Find parent header reading from server if necessary
ESC-Ctrl-P Find child header
c Mark ALL articles as read.
ESC-c Mark ALL articles as read.
ESC-u Mark ALL articles as UN-read
ESC-C Mark articles from current position read
ESC-U Mark articles from current position as UN-read
Note: The keys are case sensitive! That is, 's' and 'S' are not the same.
Subscribing/Unsubscribing Hints:
1. Press CAPITAL 'L' and enter the name of the groups to display, e.g.,
*.music.* to see all 'music' groups.
2. Move to the group you want to subscribe to and then press 's'.
Repeat this step for each group.
3. Press the Capital-L key again to display only subscribed groups.
Commands that affect the current group:
P Post an article to the current newsgroup
SPACE, RETURN *Select the current newsgroup.
*Note: With a prefix argument, unread articles are selected too.
s Subscribe to the current newsgroup
u Un-subscribe from the current newsgroup
c Catchup-- mark all articles as read
Movement Commands:
ESC < Move to top of the list
ESC > Move to bottom of the list
Ctrl-V, Ctrl-D Scroll to next page
ESC V, Ctrl-U Scroll to previous page
DOWN Move to next group
UP Move to previous group
Miscellaneous Commands:
a Add a new newsgroup (See 'L' help too!)
Ctrl-L, Ctrl-R Redraw the screen
Ctrl-Z Suspend newsreader
l Toggle listing of groups that have no unread articles
L Toggle listing of unsubscribed groups
/ Search forward
q Quit newsreader
G Get new news
X Force a save of the newsrc file.
ESC-a Toggle display of group description on/off.
. Repeat last command